
September 14, 2022

Asian Pediatric Nephrology Association

Guys stay tuned for #ACPN23 Dubai Asian Pediatric Nephrology Association November 23 with a Pre-Congrese PCRRT-ICONIC Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology Course & Workshop !! IPNA Foundation: Great Care for Little Kidneys Everywhere IPNA

September 14, 2022

Pediatric Solid Organ Transplantation- A Practical Handbook

Very proud to share a major accomplishment of our group, on which we worked for last 5 years! Presenting to all of you, ‘Pediatric Solid Organ Transplantation- A Practical Handbook’, with Springer’s Publishers. The handbook covers essential protocols on pediatric solid organ transplantation including kidney, liver, intestine, lung and heart written by the leaders in

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September 12, 2022

IPNA-PCRRT-ICONIC-SYL ‘Advances in Pediatric KRT’ workshop at IPNA2022

Was an honour to be a co-organiser of IPNA-PCRRT-ICONIC-SYL ‘Advances in Pediatric KRT’ workshop at #IPNA2022. Spoke here first on ‘Using Sustained Low Efficiency Dialysis in Children with COVID19’ . Was exciting to meet friends after such a long long time !!! IPNA Foundation: Great Care for Little Kidneys Everywhere

September 12, 2022

IPNA 2022

So good to meet the PCRRT-ICONIC gang finally in-person at #IPNA2022 and do healthy brain-storming !!! Love you guys!

September 11, 2022

Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association 2025

Looking forward to the next IPNA 2025 #IPNA2025 in Capetown! Exciting scientific programme coming up ! IPNA Foundation: Great Care for Little Kidneys Everywhere

September 11, 2022

Pediatric to Adult Transition

Our Editorial on ‘Pediatric to Adult Transition’ which talks about considerations to be kept in mind for both adult and pediatric nephrologists while transitioning a child to Adult care has been published in ’Advances in CKD’ Journal. Read More »

August 24, 2022

Anti Factor H Antibodies in aHUS

Today our group has published a review on ‘Anti Factor H Antibodies in aHUS’ in ‘Frontiers in Immunology’ today. Antibodies to Factor H is the most common cause of aHUS in children in our country and we have published multiple research papers on this in last 2 decades. Read More »

August 16, 2022

STARZ Neonatal AKI Risk Stratification Score

Sharing the ‘Research Letter’ published this week in ‘KI Reports’ on an attempt to find cut off scores for STARZ Neonatal AKI Risk Stratification Score from the TINKER group (a sub-section of PCRRT-ICONIC Group). There are multiple studies ongoing across the world to validate it in individual centres. Read More »

July 27, 2022

PCRRT-ICONIC Pediatric Critical Care Nephrology Course

Please save your date for the next ‘Hands-On’ ‘PCRRT-ICONIC Pediatric Critical Care Nephrology Course’ to be held in Gurgaon, India in March 2023. Workshops on Vascular Access, PD, HD, SLED, CRRT and Point of care ultrasound are planned. Looking forward to welcoming you all in Gurgaon, India in person. Hybrid options are also available for

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July 19, 2022

Advances in Pediatric KRT

Today our Editorial got published in ‘Frontiers in Pediatrics’ on the Special issue on ‘Advances in Pediatric KRT’ today. The Editorial talks about the newer advances in critical care nephrology and how PCRRT-ICONIC has grown improving the understanding in the field. Read More »

June 10, 2022

Journal of Pediatric Nephrology

A 7-yr-old boy presented w/history of nephrotic-range proteinuria w/o edema. His father had a kidney transplant in 2008 & his grandmother died of kidney failure at 55 yrs. Read this questions part of a Clinical Quiz that asks about diagnosis and patient management. Read More »

June 3, 2022

Point of Care Ultrasound for assessment of a critical child with acute kidney injury

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow virtually ! 500+ delegates from more than 40 countries!! Point of Care Ultrasound Course for Residents’ In an effort to incorporate ‘Point of Care Ultrasound for assessment of a critical child with acute kidney injury’ in teaching core curriculum for Residents & Young Faculty, we have planned an

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