
May 17, 2024

An honour to contribute to American Society of Nephrology’s NephSAP’s current issue on ‘Genetic, Hereditary & Congenital Conditions’

An honour to contribute to American Society of Nephrology’s NephSAP’s current issue on ‘Genetic, Hereditary & Congenital Conditions’ Thanks American Society of Nephrology ! Link to NephSAP :…/nephsap/23/1/nephsap.23.issue-1.xml

April 21, 2024

For the 5th year in a row, Medanta Gurugram has been named among ‘World’s Best Hospitals – 2024’ in Newsweek Ranking

For the 5th year in a row, Medanta Gurugram has been named among ‘World’s Best Hospitals – 2024’ in Newsweek Ranking. We are humbled and honoured to be the only Indian private hospital to be counted among the world’s top 200 medical facilities. We thank you for your trust, and promise to continue working committedly,

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April 17, 2024

IPNA-PCRRT-ICONIC Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology, Point of Care Ultrasound and Pediatric Dialysis School

Looking forward to welcoming you all at ‘IPNA-PCRRT-ICONIC Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology, Point of Care Ultrasound and Pediatric Dialysis School’ 27-28 April, 2024 Gurgaon, Haryana, INDIA. Meeting Website : Conference Brochure : Registrations :

April 3, 2024

IPNA-PCRRT-ICONIC Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology, Point of Care Ultrasound and Pediatric Dialysis School

IPNA-PCRRT-ICONIC Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology, Point of Care Ultrasound and Pediatric Dialysis School 27-28 April, 2024 Gurgaon, Haryana, INDIA. Meeting Website: Conference Brochure: Registrations:

March 18, 2024

Miami Pediatric Nephrology Seminar (50th Anniversary)

Happy to share that I was part of the ‘Heroes of Pediatric Nephrology’ session yesterday at ‘Miami Pediatric Nephrology Seminar (50th Anniversary)’! It was an honour to be invited, and raising the India 🇼🇳 flag. I spoke on challenges of pediatric AKI and need to incorporate POCUS in training of fellows!

March 14, 2024

Point of Care Ultrasound Training Curriculum for Pediatric Nephrology Fellows publication in Kidney360 journal

Happy to share PCCRT-ICONIC Group’s Recommendations on Point of Care Ultrasound Training Curriculum for Pediatric Nephrology Fellows publication in Kidney360 journal. The guidelines discuss basic and advanced skills needed to be included in fellowship training. Read More

March 13, 2024

Pediatric AKI is a global health concern w/an associated mortality risk disproportionately pronounced in resource-limited settings

Pediatric AKI is a global health concern w/an associated mortality risk disproportionately pronounced in resource-limited settings. Read this Original Article on “severe dialysis dependent AKI” in children in South Asia. Part of a collection: What’s new in AKI

March 9, 2024

Assessment of South Asian Pediatric Acute Kidney Injury: Epidemiology and Risk Factors (ASPIRE) – a prospective study on “severe dialysis dependent pediatric AKI”

Happy to share with you the strength of collaboration of South Asian Pediatric Nephrology Group in our attached ‘ASPIRE Study’: database on dialysis requiring pediatric aki which has been published in ‘Pediatric Nephrology’ journal today. This is the only study looking at epidemiology of severe Pediatric AKI in our part of the world. Attaching full

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January 27, 2024

NEPHRO-ZEBRA – a neonate with severe jaundice, persistent thrombocytopenia & recurrent acute kidney injury later in childhood: Joining the dots!

What should we think, if we get a child with thrombotic microangiopathy, recurrent episodes of AKI with a history of severe neonatal jaundice needing an exchange transfusion. This week in ‘J Nephrology’, we publish a ‘Nephro-Zebra Quiz’ for the fellows. Full text link is here

January 21, 2024

PCRRT-ICONIC Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology, Point of Care Ultrasound and Pediatric Dialysis School

PCRRT-ICONIC Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology, Point of Care Ultrasound and Pediatric Dialysis School’ 27-28 April, 2024 Gurgaon, Haryana, INDIA. Meeting Website: Conference Brochure: Registrations:

January 19, 2024

The Case | Neonatal seizures and tubular dysfunction in childhood: joining the dots!

In today’s February issue of ‘Kidney International’ journal, we published a very interesting case in the ‘Make Your Diagnosis’ section of a neonate with seizures who later in life presented to us with tubular dysfunction. Here’s the full text for the fellows. Read More:

January 16, 2024

Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in children and adults

Happy to share with you that our unit at Medanta is now part of International, Multicentric Phase 3 trial on Crovalimab in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in children and adults. There’s a need to explore more anti-complement drugs in aHUS. Kindly let us know if you have a patient of atypical HUS including post-partum HUS.

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