Point of Care Ultrasound in Critically Sick Children with AKI
Sharing a Review by our group on ‘Point of Care Ultrasound in Critically Sick Children with AKI’ published today in ‘Indian Pediatrics’ journal.
[Link https://indianpediatrics.net/epub092024/CHT-00706.pdf ]
Also attaching a Suggested Curriculum for Pediatric Nephrology Fellows by PCCRT-ICONIC group (published in Kidney360) [Link https://journals.lww.com/…/point_of_care_ultrasound… ] & a position statement by International Alliance for POCUS in Nephrology (published in CKJ) [Link https://academic.oup.com/ckj/article/17/11/sfae245/7733825 ].
We also published a Handbook on ‘POCUS in Pediatric Nephrology’ with Springer’s Publishers.
Link https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-33-4554-6
Would be helpful for the students !